i learned this move since 9 years old ...when our familylived in small province....im glad that my mother support me always to accompanied me always in my class... I'm the youngest member of that group,but im the most energetic(my teacher told my mom)...hahahahhaa.
after that,kami pindah ke kota ini..yg hingga skrg masih kami tempati...kota ini memaksa sy untuk akhirnya menemukan sanggar ballet yg kompeten utk melanjutkan ability sy ini...dan akhirnya sy menemukan slh satu sanggar dmn sy belajar hingga Junior High school dan bcme a teacher there..
pointe pink shoe |
tutu+pointe shoe=dream |
but for all....i live this life with my passion of dance...it comes from Him..let me b His servant from my moves too.. |
but after that,theres a lot of things to do..busy to preparing my future..maka sy berhenti dri activitas ini...but,its always in my dream can wear a pointe shoes n do pas de deux with a partner and show in front of my family..but,myabe its impossible for me...hahahahahah...so now,i decided to take my dream back n leave my dream for my next generation..hahahahahaa.............................................................................
dance is a passion to live this life for me....
i love to do that with or without music and let me share this happiness for u all from my moves.....