9th July 2011...
00 : 00 .....
we're not sleep yet..all of us..because me,my sis and my smther are going to suprise my hero..eh..my idol..ups...my man..my daddy..hes get older this second....
but before that..ehemm..as usual...take a pic first...''cheeeeseee''' with that yummy gummy delcious blckforest cake for him..hihihi..
jdi sblm my dad lihat,kuenya sdh jdi objek foto dan jadi bahan kenarsisan kedua anaknya...hahahha....
after that...ight up some pink candles (so cute,isn it?!!)after debated with y sister about candles...
awalnya mau pakai huruf angka sesuai usia daddy..but,hahaahhahaa..nanti org2 shock liat umur daddy yg sdh tuaa but face still looked hell yeah..hahahahhay..
so we decided to tke some this candles yg ditemukan oleh adik tercinta masih nongkrong di kmrnya yg penuh brg macam-macam itu..
Happy bday dear my lovely guardian man from God...
we brought this cake while were singing "happy bday" song......
muka ayah menunjukkan ketidak-kagetan sm skli...tpi senyum-senyum malu sendri smbil ngmong..."kenapa jadi kayak tahun baru?"
inilah susahnya klo turunan bakat ngaco...jahil..syalalalalaa...(berasa sadar sendri,sifat semua ini drimana..
padahal harapannya ,he shocked...hahhahhahaa..thts my daddy !!karena klo shocked berarti mmg bukan my daddy...
because its late night....
after that,mau potong kuenya..tapi...ehh,dsr daddy lgi..
"jangan mi potong kuenya...nanti pi..klo makan2.".yaaahhh..daddy2..betul2...hahahahahah..ywdh..jdi objek foto lgi deh si blackforest....maka kmi tdk memotong kue itu...dan acara suap2an kue dignti dgn foto bareng dgn si blackforest plus get camera-timer and clicked moment ber4...hahahhahaaa....and went to bed..tke a rest from this long friday day....
but before that....i spent some minutes to trnsferred this some lil pics and let this happiness shared....
now its getting late night..time to sleep
overall.. happy bday my greatest best awesome guy ever in the world...pjg umur..sehat selalu..and always happy....promise to mke u proud of me ;) *wink*i love u daddy....