This is my another post about my experience and my looks(plus a little info about makeup brand I used-if ure just looking for my beauty post just skip and scroll down.Thankyou^^) while I'm hosting an event.
Here goes my event report.Enjoy,fellows !
It's Tuesday dan hujan gerimis di kota Makassar. Waktu menunjukkan pukul 4 sore sedangkan adik belum tiba di rumah sejak pagi hari ia berangkat ke kampus.Udah was-was banget bakal telat tapi thanks God saat udah mau berangkat, akhirnya Sheiren (my one and only adorable sister) pulang. Terpaksa dia mandi ala kambing-asal basah aja biar segar- dan berangkatlah kami ke salah satu hotel baru bintang tiga di kawasan Panakukang,jalan Pengayoman,Makassar.
Amirah Keisha Zafitri
3rd Birthday Party
Theme : Hello Kitty
Selasa, 20 November 2012
Swiss Bell-inn Hotel,jalan Pengayoman,Makassar
Decoration by Geby Balloon-copyright |
Saya memulai acara seperti biasanya, nyanyi,games buat undangan anak-anak dan special kali ini ada "Puppet Show" (dibaca : panggung boneka) and "Magician Show"(dibaca : sulap!! yay..)
Panggung bonekanya sangat interaktif,lucu dan memberi pesan moral yang baik kepada anak-anak.
Puppet Show |
Guests-kids-parents-audience are watching puppet show |
Setelah games and puppet show,kita tiup lilin ulang tahun Keisha yang ketiga beserta dengan keluarga tercinta di atas panggung.
Setelah meniup lilin,kuenya dipotong dan disuapin ke her beloved parents and her beloved grandma-grandpa (Keisha is super cute!! can u notice her cute face while cutting her Hello Kitty Cake?) |
I'm helping her mom to slice the Hello Kitty Birthday cake.Oops.Sorry,its blur,this picture were taken by my sister |
Keisha is a very sweet girl. Sepanjang acara ulang tahunnya yang ketiga,ia duduk dengan sangat manis di pangkuan mommynya yang malam itu kompakan pakai baju pink ala Hello Kitty. Acara dilanjutkan dengan dinner dan pembagian goodie bags.
My favourite snacks,its cupcake with Keisha's photos. |
And I got this slice of Keisha's Hello Kitty Birthday cake. Tidak tega untuk memakannya ! |
Terima kasih Tuhan,semuanya beres akhirnya.
Acaranya berlangsung dengan sangat meriah,pertunjukannya berjalan mulus dan undangan semua juga senang. Tak lupa berfoto di photobooth (by Ogos photofun) yang hasilnya bisa langsung dicetak dan dibawa pulang sebagai souvenir special from Keisha.
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This is the souvenir,I scanned this photo at home OGOS photo fun copyright |
Sedikit narsis ya.Excuse my bad makeup skills,I'm trying to make a kitty face with double stroke eyeliner in the outer of my eyes.
My face,after party baru sempat camwhoring.hahaa.. |
zoom in : diamonds in my left eyes |
oily not from myskin,maybe bcause of my bbcream ? |
+FLASH false eyelashesnya after party udah mulai goyah,hehee |
My red bow (andalan banget, this made by my sister,from felt/kain flanel,bisa buat Snow White,Hello Kitty,Minnie mouse looks or Gyaru looks?) |
Camwhoring time ! Trying to look as cute as Hello Kitty ! -failed- Happy Birthday,Keisha once again. *cup* Thanks for reading my post, see you in next event,lovelies!! God bless... |
This isnt a sponsored event report, I'm not affiliated with any company which I mentioned above.
All photos were taken by me and my sister.
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