How are you doing fellows?..
Thanks for opening my page..
Today,I want to share a lil bit craziness after some randomy things during this hectic week..
Behind the post-scenenya :
Kejenuhan mengerjakan tugas akhir kuliah *fiuh*sedikit diobati dengan blogwalking lalu akhirnya mendarat di page belong to Sekararum..hihii..
and here I am..decided to bite an apple and be the bestfiend of seven dwarfs..heigh-ho-heigh-ho !!
“Lips red as blood. Hair black as night. Bring me your heart my dear, dear Snow White.”
— | Queen Ravenna |
princess Snow White |
taken from Google |
I chose this character karena ehm..yah kurang lebih rambutnya panjang segitu..tidak harus pakai wig ,soalnya warna hitam juga..alisnya hitam juga...bibirnya saja kurang merah semerah Snow White...hihihiih...ditambah magic2nya dikitlah... (*^_^)vv.syalalalaa...
Beautybabiesnya :
- Etude Precious Mineral BB Bright Fit SPF 30+ # Light Beigie 01
- Tea Tree Concelear- The Body Shop
- Marcks loose powder (masih jerawatan,jadi mukanya masih sahabatan dgn yang ini dulu) # Creme
- PAC Shimmer Eyeshadow powder (on picture, I used warna light gold yang paling bawah dan yang di tengah Gold-nomornya nda ada..jadi menulis keterangannya begitu saja ya..oh iya,La Tulipe eyeshadow base agar tdk fallout)
- Jolly fake eyelashes..berhubung matanya sebenarnya lagi berat jadi tidak pakai full false eyelashes (so,ngikutin cara-cara ala Michelle Phan bgtulah..hihih.. False eyelashesnya dibagi dua and just put di bagian sudut luar eyelids)
- Tono Moly backstage eyeliner gel # Dark Black
- Maybelline Mascara Volum Express
- The Face Shop Styling Eyeline # White (super favourite for waterline and inner corner-crayon bentuknya!!)
- VOCE from V.O.V Pearly Eyeshadow (but I prfer use it as blush for contour and soft pink for blushnya-walaupun kurang kelihatan di fotonya)
- Eye-Lip Crayon The Body Shop (as my lipliner,jarang dipakai,soalnya warnanya cukup tua...)
- Lancome Paris Lipstick #03 Rose Espace
![]() |
RED BOW as Hairpiece (this is my sister's handmade,from kain flanel/felt) and Artificial Red Rose flower (berhubung tidak ada red apple di rumah!!mohon dimaafkan..hihihiih) |
Get ready to bite a red apple and here some magic touch.
"Step up to the tub, 'tain't no disgrace / Just pull up your sleeves and get 'em in place / Then scoop up the water and rub it on your face / And go Bl-bl-bl, bl-bl-bl, bl-bl-bl! -Doc "
Snow White Disney Princess |
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different lighting from camera |
That's all..
Mohon dimaklumi mirip-tidakmiripnya yeay..hahahaha..
please leave your comments below yah..
Ditunggu ~~(*^_^)~~...(^_^)3
Thankyou for reading fellows..
Have a nice weekend...
See you soon...!!
God bless...
Okay,I have to run away to the forest (>.<)..*kyaaa...The Queen is coming!!!
heigh-hoheigh-hoo !!!
“I'm wishing for the one I love. To find me today. I'm hoping. And I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say.”_Snow White
wahhhhhh, cakep say.
propertinya niat banget, bajunya bisa sama kaya snow white gtu. hehee
hehehehe.thanks for visiting,kindiniaa..
Outfitnya dimirip2in sj..biar seru..hihihihi..
Kereenn. Mirip banget :))
Baguusss :))). mirip sama snow white. Baju, bando, makeup, semuanya niat banget. Sukaaakkkkk ^^
Wah,thanks mba sekar..ini dipksa2in month lgi..semoga nd kepepet akhir bln baru kreativitasnya muncul..salam lenong-ers! Hihihi..
mirip semuanya >.<,perfecto lahh
just followed urs,dear Leevia han..thankyouu..kyaa..(^.^)*hug*
ihiiiy bagus, cantik, pokoke niat bangeet!!
miripppp ^^ keren~
u look so pretty, seriously!
aww..dear dini & raisa..thanks a lot *pingsan karena apel beracun* (>.<)
Have a wonderful day !!Godbless
Lucu say. Muka imutnya, sm lipstick merahnya dapet banget loh. :D
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